Biblical Friendship

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A 4-part video series exploring friendship from a biblical perspective. Sessions include: A Longing to Belong, The Circles of Friendship, Friendship Traits and Threats, and Forging and Maintaining Existing Friendships. Each brief session is followed by prompts for a time of self-reflection.

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In this package, you will get 5 videos and 6 PDFs.

Video 1 - A Longing to Belong (6:45)
Video 2 - The Circles of Friendship (14:49)
Circles of Friendship Infographic PDF
Circles of Friendship Worksheet PDF
Video 3 - Friendship Traits and Threats (6:35)
Ephesians 4 Passage PDF
Ephesians 4 Chart PDF
Video 4 - Forging and Maintaining Friendships (10:53)
BONUS Video - 13 Ways to Maintain Existing Friendships (17:57)
BONUS PDF - Note Starters
BONUS PDF - Simple Ways to Show You Care
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Biblical Friendship

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